
Founder Details

Mr.Satyajeet De(Medical Practitioner)

C&D CRITICAL CARE AMBULANCE SERVICE founder name is satyajeet De was born is murshidabad.father name is chaitanyade mother name is sandhya de home adress 465/A Ramkrishna park sodpur.(Kolkata)

Why Choose Us
We believe each life matters!

C&D Critical Ambulance is Kolkata’s future of patient transport. Need Ambulance or Blood for your friend/family member or stranger? Count on C&D Critical Ambulance. C&D Critical Ambulance aims to become the 100 of Kolkata for all medical needs. Ambulance and Blood helps save lives and C&D Critical Ambulance is at the forefront, always Racing to Save Lives. We are committed to help you in your moment of crisis. All this is done for FREE. C&D Critical Ambulance will be right there at your fingertips offering Online Ambulance service giving an edge to medical assistance. In the age of instant cabs and pizzas, we started off with the idea of online ambulance service to make ambulance booking quick and hassle-free. An organisation with a cause. That’s how we define ourselves. Our goal is to save lives by helping people get an Ambulance in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost that they’re able to negotiate and are comfortable.

In an emergency, the last thing you wish for is delay. We have our ambulance providers who are always on the go with their vehicles. With C&D Critical Ambulance you get to choose the type of the ambulance you want, and the features that you need. Our advanced algorithms help you get the Driver with the Ambulance that matches your exact requirements in the Shortest possible time.

Popular Services
24*7 Ambulance Service
ICU Ambulance Service
Ventilator Ambulance Service
Air Ambulance Service
Domestic Ambulance Service
Oxygen System Ambulance Service

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